Many dream of a successful OnlyFans career and yet only a few creators achieve this. That's why we help you get to and maintain a top-notch level of success. We set up an individual strategy for you, take over your DM management and support you in the content strategy.
We know what it takes for you to become and/or stay successful. Not only for women but also for men inside and outside the gay community!
Our whole team is ready to look after you individually and to make your career successful.
It's time to bring your potential for a successful OnlyFans career into reality.

Let's start this reality together today!
krea-M is a global team of OnlyFans experts based at Lake Constance in Germany. Our offer is aimed at existing OnlyFans creators and those who are just starting out. We push your account to the limit and help you not only to achieve your goals but to grow beyond them!
Me and my team look forward to working with you!
What we will do for YOU!
You do what you do best - you live out your creativity. Meanwhile we take care of your account and help you so that your content achieves the greatest reach and your income increases.
With the right strategy, which we create individually for each model, we build up a fan base that enthusiastically follows the model and at the same time this is reflected in the income. This is how we achieve continuous exponential growth.
We know how social media works, what the latest trends are and help you to grow your fan base. The right content placed in the right channel at the right time ensures that you are successful in the long run.
Based on your current situation and the behavior of your followers, we develop a strategy that is tailored to your needs. Together we set goals and work out the path that leads to this goal.
Where is your account today and what are the problems? What options does your account have? We analyze the history and use it to develop the strategy. We repeat this process at regular intervals to ensure sustained success.

Our Agency in numbers

Our Values
Our agency has been in existence for over 16 years and has worked in various areas. We met a lot of people and every encounter was valuable. Our values were as constant as these encounters were individual. The key to a successful life is always the connection you create, invest in and nurture.
Our focus is on people. Whether creator, partner or employee - every encounter is important and enriches us. For this reason, we at krea-M live our values every day.
Trust and Respect
We respect every person with their individual life plan. We pay particular attention to the dignity and privacy of others. This creates trust and openness at the same time. At krea-M is like a family where we always behave 100% professionally.
We live reliability every day. What we promise, we also implement without exception.
We are constantly looking for new innovations and fundamentally think outside the box. As a result, everyone at krea-M works passionately on the various projects and tasks. Here, the individual is the focus. We know from experience that everyone has talents - living them out every day calls for passion and innovation. Anytime.
Sucess Stories
Here are some of our success stories.
For privacy reasons, we use stock photos and other names.
Laura's account stopped growing at $22,000 in sales. She was constantly under pressure and couldn't break out of this cycle.
We helped Kevin build his account from scratch. With our help, he was able to earn $2,900 in the first month.
Anne had few fans but was unable to market them properly. Her monthly turnover was just $450.
Account size category: large
monthly net income: $ 83k
Weekly work load: 12h
Account size category: small
first month revenue: $ 2.9
Number of new fans: 238
Account size category: medium
Revenue increase: 1243%
Number of new fans: 804
Here you will find answers to some questions directly.
We would be happy to answer any further questions in a personal conversation!
Account Management
How often will I be in contact with my Account Manager?
We are approachable 24/7 for you. It is totally up to you if you want a daily chat or rather a weekly/monthly check-in. We have the human resources to provide a daily exchange as well as the technical infrastructure to work absolutely efficiently while having a personal exchange to the absolute minimum.

What does Communication with my Account Manager looks like?
You can reach out by mail, whatsapp, video call or phone call. In general we try to organize personal exchanges via calendar invites.

Who is managing my OF Vault?
We take care of everything. After setting up secure data share points and developing the content roadmap, we do everything from there. We perfectly structure all content flows, so that our chat team will deliver guaranteed results quickly.
How do I start working with you?
You directly apply via Application form. We carefully review your provided information and reach out to you within the next 48 hours..

Before applying I want to ask some specific questions - how?
Book a slot via our calendar tool. It is fast and simple and we can figure out directly if an application at lrea-M ist right for you.

I have no experience yet, will I even be cosidered?
While our focus is to massively grow existing accounts, we also consider new starters. In regards to a successful application, we take several different aspects into account.

I got rejected, why?
Please note that we carefully consider each and every application before we reject someone or move on to the next round. We are very confident in regards to our capabilities to maximize the financial success with each partner that we are onboarding. Every onboarding requires a fair amount of resources and dedication from our side. We therefore only team up with creators where based on the shared information we are very confident in creating maximum success.

I got rejected once, can I apply again?
With the amount of applications we are receiving on a daily base, we have no doubt that we make a wrong call once in a while. If you have been working on your career since your last application, you are very welcome to apply again when your last application is more than three months ago.

Who owns the content I produce?
All content rights are reserved for you. We only use the content on your behalf while we have no ownership.

Do I have to produce certain content?
Together with your account manager, you will define the sweet spot of your personal desired type of content and highly success-related content. You will only have to produce content that you feel absolutely comfortable with.

How much content will I need to produce?
This strongly depends on your goals and also how much content is already available. Generally speaking, the more desired content you’ll produce the more success we’ll achieve. Between 10-20 content pieces per week is a range you probably should consider.

How much work time should I consider per week?
If you’re already an expert in your field you should not have to work more than 5 hours a week.
What Marketing Platform do you use?
We are extremely firm in the field of online marketing. The use of concrete marketing channels strongly varies on the individual strategy we put in place for you. We generally work with platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Tinder, Bumble, Reddit, and others. Within those platforms, we have a playbook for organic and paid strategies.
Payment and privacy
How do I get paid?
We provide multiple ways of how payments are made. This strongly depends on what is best for you. In general, payments are made on a monthly basis regardless of whom sets up the invoice.

Are there any financial risks assocated with starting at krea-M?
No, there are no financial risks attached. After moving beyond the application phase we set up a contract on our costs. We’ll invest time and money in order to achieve the best possible results together. We only make money, when your account makes money. There are no hidden costs on your account.

Who has accesss to my account, is it safe?
Privacy and data security are basic requirements we fully cover with every partner. After your onboarding is complete, only you and your dedicated account manager have access to your shared data files. The same goes for your OF account, we do not spread the password across the team, it is only in the hands of the staff directly responsible for your support.

Can I stay private and still be successfull on OF?
Yes, you can. We developed multiple successful strategies on how you can stay anonymous while still making more than 50.000$ per month.
Request an appointment now!
Do you want to get started with OnlyFans and are you looking for an agency to support you? Perfect, we are here to help you! We will discuss your goals and show you how we can successfully position you on OnlyFans.
Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly. We will discuss your goals and show you how we can successfully position you on OnlyFans.